About Me
My Personal Journey

I was in my early 20s 🐶
It was one of the LOWEST points of my life 😥
A Big Black Hole of Negativity.
What was the meaning of all of this?
On one very depressed day, I went out for a drive
I somehow ended up at a bookstore…
I spent my entire DAY there just skimming through books
Little did I know that trip to the bookstore would start to bend my reality ⭐️
I slowly started to develop this habit of reading…
I would spend hours and hours at the bookstore
Sometimes I would stay from open to close:
10AM – 10PM
12 HOURS a day! 😮
I would go EVERY single day for a few years straight
And soon…
my mentality started to shift…
I started to ascend paradigms
And it got me out of my deep depression
It made me change the way I looked at the world 🙏
Books became my escape velocity
One book led to another…
…and I somehow stumbled on to a 30 day program by Tony Robbins
It completely changed my life.
He taught me so much about behavioral change:
It was my first glimpse into personal development, psychology, NLP, the subconscious mind and especially taking action above everything else.
He painted this CLEAR picture of how IMPORTANT reading was.
And that learning was one of the COOLEST things you can do
Unwiring what society has brainwashed into my psyche:
That being cool is all about chasing status, money, materials, or boosting ego.
I realized COOL can be manipulated
When you eradicate the manipulation, the real “cool” remains:
Learning is cool, helping others is cool, adding value is cool, being grateful is cool. Serving your ego is the uncoolest thing in the world.
🔥 And this is the concept that changed my life:
Learning = Behavior Change.
UNLESS you CHANGE, there is no learning.
To Learn = Taking Action!
To take so much action that it eventually leads to lifelong behavioral CHANGE
If there is no CHANGE then there is no “learning”
And the FASTEST route to change is:
1st Hand Experience (action) + 2nd Hand Experience of others (books/learning) = EXPLOSIVE GROWTH
One doesn’t go without the other.
🔥 ACTION is the ultimate currency 🔥
And you can fuse action with learning to transmute it into character change.
I’ve never stopped reading since that day.
And I’ve made some extreme changes to my life.
😮 A complete reset.
I’ve quit smoking for several years, I’ve read hundreds of books, I’ve started several businesses, I’ve pursued my passion in music and writing, I’ve stopped hanging around negative environments, I’ve gotten out of my deep depression and I’ve developed some real action taking muscle.
I’ve COMPLETELY changed my life.
This wasn’t just remodeling an old building.
Starting from line ONE.
I would place every single brick PERFECTLY to my blueprint.
All in the pursuit of building the BEST version of myself to serve OTHERS 🙂
How can I place myself to be in the HIGHEST position of service for others?
Where can I place the fulcrum so I can leverage my greatest strengths to add the MOST value to the world?
That is at the CORE of the architecture:
It’s definitely not going to be a short road…
It’s a long walk to freedom – it’ll take a lifetime.
But it’s a walk with a view 😊
GIVING is the ONLY way to find your TRUE purpose
GIVING is the ONLY way to sculpt perfection into your life
Give us your gift and contribute a verse to the universe…
…and I’ll meet you there:
At the peak of destiny.
~David Chun